Too big, too small or just right? Understanding which company structure will work best for you.

Pacific Jewel Ballroom

How does the practice of UX differ if you’re working in a large company or a small one, at an agency, or as an independent consultant? How about being a part of a horizontal UX organization vs. being embedded in a product team? What are the advantages and challenges of each? Where you end up can affect the types of projects you may work on, the impact you have and ultimately the trajectory of your career. The panelists represent diverse roles in various sized businesses including consultant, agency, small, medium and large companies with horizontal, embedded or hybrid teams. Panelists from End to End User Research, Peloton, Workiva, YouTube, Hewlett-Packard Enterprise and HFUX Research will share their perspectives on the pros and cons of working in these different teams and types of businesses. We will facilitate a discussion with the audience via, while sharing insights from our varied experiences.

Career Development and Management Entry level